Anderson + Advocates, ... 2.724James R. Anderson USMC:11028855 SharonScarrellaAnderson claim to Faime: re: Scarrella for ... |
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Mike Rossberg (651-266-6447)
Special Programs, Community Education Coordinator Mary Brown (651-266-6363) Special Programs, Recreation Director
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sharon may be known as the Bloggin Babe, self taught.
Senior Royalty - Men and women, age 55 and older are eligible to become candidates for the Senior Royalty Program. All candidates participate in the Senior Royalty Coronation held on February 3 at the Landmark Center. If you would like to participate in this unique experience, meet new people, and have lots of fun at parades and other community events, call 651-266-6363 to receive an application. The deadline to apply for the 2007 Senior Royal Court is December 29, 2006.
The 2006 Winter Carnival Senior Royalty Coronation, sponsored by Saint Paul Parks and Recreation - Senior Citizen Programs and the Saint Paul Festival and Heritage Foundation, was held on Thursday, February 2nd, 2006, at Landmark Center.
The Senior Royal Court reigns during the Winter Carnival and throughout the year, spreading good will and happiness to others as representatives of Saint Paul seniors and the Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation.
For information on how to become a candidate or how to schedule an appearance of the 2006 Senior Royal Court, call Mary Brown at 651-266-6363 or
King Winter the 48th, Cliff Benson Queen of the Northlands, Connie Gabriel Prime Minister, Edward Ehrnreiter Lady-In-Waiting, Marian Adcock Prince of the Four Winds, James Defiel Princess of the Four Winds, Carol Nelson
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